
Pricing Your Worth

by Drew Padalecki


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Class Details

Do people ask you for your prices but you don’t know what to say? Do you find yourself after a week full of orders only making a few dollars? Are you underpricing yourself because you are afraid people won’t buy otherwise? All of us in this industry have faced these difficult questions when wanting to sell our goods but we shouldn’t sell ourselves short. Pricing your Worth will not only help you answers these difficult questions but will also give you the confidence when quoting a potential customer. We will breakdown how much it truly costs you to produce an order for someone and how much you should be making per order. This is an open discussion class, so along the way we will use real world examples to understand how to apply the knowledge gained in this course. Strategies will also be given to help when quoting a client by e-mail, phone, and in person.

Key Topics

  • Understanding your costs
  • Discuss profit margin
  • How to quote an order
  • Reducing cost strategies
  • Quoting client strategies
  • Real world examples
  • Q & A at the end
Class Date

Saturday – April 1st

Class Location

Classroom 1

Mini Class Time

2:30PM – 5:30PM

Skill Level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

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